2016 // My Year in Wedding Photographs
It never stops humbling me how many people trust me with their wedding photographs.
I say it often, and it's not even marketing speak, but I really do believe that it's so important to have good photos of your wedding day. It's nice for you to have, but it's more than that, it's a link down the years to your kids and grandkids.
I married my bff this year as well, and we were lucky to have photos of some people very close to us, who sadly aren't with us anymore. Having them there, even in a small way, was important to us.
It's been an incredible year for me with a long list of wonderful people in front of my camera. The smiles and laughs on a wedding day are what keep me coming back for more and more.
One final thing, if you're married, or are getting married, please make sure you print off some photos. Digital is amazing, but nothing will ever beat having a print in your hands. To make it easy, here are a couple of ace labs that you can send your files to http://prints.folioalbums.com/ & http://dscolourlabs.co.uk/ (worth noting, neither have anything to do with me, I just really want you to print your photos so that somebody will find them in a shoebox in 60 years tim!)
Thank you so much to all the beaut people that have been in front of the camera.
Have a great holiday season.
Much love,
Euan x